Do you ever wonder how some of these wedding traditions and superstitions started? Well here a few traditions you can add a modern twist to.
Hide and Seek Bride

The Ring
If you've read my past blogs, you know I am a huge fan of the non-traditional engagement ring. I myself rock an ice blue Sapphire ring. I say throw all the rules out the window and pick the ring that really speaks to you. Traditionally the engagement ring was a Sapphire stone. Sailors believed the stone fade if their fiance was unfaithful while they were out to sea.
To Veil or Not To Veil

Something Old, Something New....This tradition began with the nursery rhyme Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, A Sixpence in the Shoe. But really it was a way to give tokens of good luck to the bride. Some brides are having alot of fun with this tradition and the color blue. Or if you'd like to follow the trend but in a less subtle way think about collecting all your items on a pin, to wear on the inside of the dress.